Mojo Monday ~ Fun Deficit Disorder

Life isnt as serious

Sometimes I can be really serious.  I am sensitive to world events.  My heart hurts when there are painful and sad things happening.  I struggle with the big issues regarding injustice, violence against women and children, as well as hurtful actions against animals, which is why I adopted a vegan diet 6 years ago.  I also happen to be in my fourth year of writing for Cosmic Cowgirls Magazine and while the first years leant themselves to me writing about inspirational uplifting topics, we as a collective group have dug deeper into more challenging topics, especially this year where the theme is Taboo.  I have now tackled the topic of Naked Vulnerability, “Death” in We Are All Going to Die. Poetry Can Help , “Ambiguity” in Shades of Fucking Gray or Delicious Ambiguity? and the most recent, sexual abuse of children, in The Bogeyman Under the Bed.  Goodness I sometimes feel like this series is putting me through the proverbial wringer.

In my off time from contemplating and writing about topics like death and abuse I can also get caught up and focused on chores, to-do lists, keeping my car clean, organizing my emails and hanging up my clothes according to color scheme.  (Oh dear, I am revealing my idiosyncrasies.)  Yes, there are aspects of my moderate OCD personality that likes everything in a certain order.  It is the last trait that can trigger my irritation about towels hung up haphazardly, the bed not made, books and homework strewn across the dining room table, too many things cluttering up the house, jackets thrown on the floor…well you get the idea.  It is something I feel I have to tame regularly if I am to avoid the true grumpy grumps and grumbles about wanting to live alone, so I don’t have to clean up after other people.  I love my children and my hubby.  It is terrifying to consider a life without them, so obviously moving out or moving them out really isn’t the answer.  What I aim to focus on instead is making peace with things I cannot change. Not always so easy, but when love trumps everything else, you do what you need to to make it work.

Even Cowgirls get the BluesSo in consideration of how serious I have been feeling, and in all honesty, the blues I have been struggling with for months now (yes even Cowgirls get the blues), it was timely to receive a newsletter that reminded me of the importance of Play.  It also seemed appropriate for the magical month of December.  I laughed, but related especially to the description of FDD ~ Fun Deficit Disorder.  Let me share with you the inspirational message from Kathy Tyler of Innerlinks that struck a chord with me.



Inspirational Message

Maximize every moment of liveness. Experience 
pleasurable involvement in all your activities and enjoy what you are doing.  Have Fun!
Play is at the heart of our creativity and animates our being in our most carefree moments. It helps us live with absurdity, paradox, and mystery. It feeds our childlike joy and wonder. It keeps our search for meaning grounded and on to earth.
There is so much going on in the world, and within us, that our stress levels have adjusted upwards to a new ‘normal’ creating a hidden epidemic of fun deficit disorder (FDD). Play is an antidote to stress. It can totally absorb your attention and cause a cascade of feelings that greatly impact your happiness quotient.
Play engages us with the imaginal realm and supports and enriches our metabolization of life. It is integral for generating insights and effortless realizations. Play literally gives us a ‘breather’ – restoring our vitality at a core level.
This month find a fun activity that totally captivates your attention to the point where time seems to slow or even stop, and the voice inside — (the one giving constant commentary on what you’re doing, have done, or will be doing) — ceases.  Laugh heartily at jokes, situations, and yourself.
Wishing you playful, joyous moments throughout December. And, transformed FDD to F:):)….

Ways I am choosing to have fun this month ~

Created a new holiday music mix and will be designing the cd cover.


Prepared the annual family holiday letter with photos and news about our 2014.

holiday letter snapshot

Getting creative with our Elf on the Shelf named TwinTweety.


Delighting in putting up lights, including a new heart and star
on the porch that make me happy.


Decorating the candy house with the family.


As one who loves finding and giving that oh-so-perfect gift
I’ll delight in wrapping and preparing gifts for loves ones.


Before I head off for the fun task of
plotting the next adventure
for our Elf on the Shelf
I encourage you to consider how you

can make this a Season of Magic.

Artwork by Kristina Swarmer ~ card by Brush Dance

I’ll also close with another
inspirational message from Innerlinks.

Intentional Butterfly Circle

You are important.
Your thoughts create.
Your actions matter.
Your presence changes everything.

Be an Intentional Butterfly,

a participant in the ripple effect of caring.

This is the beginning, now is when you start. It is time to awaken to your presence, to be inspired in your actions, and to hold the highest and best outcome for the planet, humanity, and all life on earth. You make a difference and you decide what that difference is. What you think about yourself affects how you feel and how you act. What you think about those you meet affects how they view themselves. We all create each other. I am cannot be a teacher if there are no students. I cannot be a student if there are no teachers.

It is not a question of whether what you think matters. It absolutely does. Your participation is mandatory regardless of your perception. You are here, you are a part of life, and you make a difference. You are a participant in the creation of our future. So, the only question is; what kind of difference do you want to make? It is up to you to decide to be a conscious or unconscious participant. Non-action, to do nothing, is a choice and one you are ultimately accountable for. And, sometimes, non-action is the most courageous choice. But, to do nothing because you do not want to get involved is an excuse to stay disempowered and unaccountable. So, make choices with intent. Be willing to learn, grow, and evolve in your ability to discern what to do and what not to do.

As you go about your daily activities, you touch numerous people most of which you do not even meet. The woman or man behind a cash register who serves you at the counter, your interaction adds or subtracts from their day and how she/he then interacts with the next customer or co-worker. Your interaction with them may tip their inner balance point in the direction of kindness or anger. What kind of influence do you want to be? What is the ripple your energy is creating?

Become a beacon of intention. Intend kindness, peace, grace, appreciation, and recognition of the spirit of the person who is in front of you. You do not need to ‘know’ them to extend your good will and good heart. It is not the receptivity of the other that prevents you from extending your best to each moment.

Practice goodness, become an intentional butterfly that lights upon each interaction with the blessing of the true reality that is our shared humanity. Add your presence to the love and compassion that are the healing agents that free our spirits and open our souls to the knowing of our true selves.

Each interaction is an opportunity to start a chain reaction of caring. Of giving the moment a magic touch that reverberates and carries out like a ripple on a pond. Endless in possibilities to affect an outcome many steps down line from your initial incidental action.

This is a way to contribute to the phase shift where change can happen. Like water heating to the boil, there is a moment before it reaches the temperature to start to boil, but if the heat remains at that point or drops, the water never makes the phase shift to actually boil, to become steam, to change its frequency. You can be that moment; you can choose to add to the phase shift of another. You can be the butterfly with the gentle touch that contributes to the phase shift, to the change. You may just be the difference that changes everything. Don’t miss your opportunity.

Join the circle, become an Intentional Butterfly. Make a difference. Start now, be a conscious, caring, human being. You are part of a larger picture, a much grander plan then what you may perceive. What you give to one gives to the whole and ultimately gives back to you.

Keep your acts of intention simple.

  • Open a door for someone and as look in his or her eyes, smile.
  • Let in front of you the driver who is waiting to merge.
  • Ask the cashier how they are.
  • Compliment your partner.
  • Give specific appreciation to your children.
  • Return a shopping cart to the door.
  • Recycle your cans.
  • Make a phone call to someone who lives alone.

Build on simple acts increasing in frequency. Frequency meaning both: more often and increase in vibration. Upping your intentional actions. Extending your loving presence to touch that in another.

Then, ask for more opportunities to be an intentional butterfly. Keep your heart open. Stay alert to the seemingly incidental moment that can change the outcome of someone’s day.


Mojo Monday ~ Love and Loss

IMG_1697I know a few things about love and loss.
I know a bit about grieving,
for I have danced with death on more than one occasion.

As I begin to write this post about a death, a birth and two heart surgeries my quirky mind jumps to thinking about the film called Four Weddings and A Funeral or those jokes that start off with “A priest, a rabbi and a minister walk into a bar…”  Perhaps it is not in my best interest to share how ADHD my thoughts can be, and may I add, how they exhaust me at times.  Yet it is true that these past two weeks have included the death of a great uncle, the birth of a great niece and two heart surgeries, an aunt’s and that of a very dear member of my creative Cosmic Cowgirl community.

My auntie’s heart surgery went smoothly and she is on her way to recovering.  The heart surgery of Sue Hoya Sellars, a master artist and matriarch, on Thursday, September 18th also appeared to be successful. All the monitoring during the long procedure indicated things went well.  There was a beautiful video live stream post surgery, where those present and those of us miles away could touch base and share in wishing Sue a speedy recovery.  However things didn’t go quite as expected because Sue didn’t wake up.  As the hours and days rolled on vigils began and still family and friends held onto hope that she was simply healing in “Sue time.”

As more time has passed the shadows of doubt have grown.  The community has circled around sending waves of love from around the world, while writing poems, drawing and painting, in honor of she who has taught many how to wield a paintbrush and how to mix her unique blend of black paint. In the midst of tears that I shed multiple times a day I am inspired by all the creativity and love that abounds.  There is the 30 day Committing Art with Sue that launched.  I have seen so many beautiful drawings and paintings posted by those who have been touched by her and this community.  I have fallen head over heals for the quotes that artist Christina Gage has been creating from close ups of her paintings and the wise words of Sue herself.   I have been moved by the poetry and written words of so many who wish to share their experiences with Sue and offer words of comfort to one another. I have loved hearing how many have visited the hospital, sitting and talking to Sue, singing to her, drumming for her and certainly praying for her.

Sue with her art and quote collages by Christina Gage ~ Forms of Joy by Christina Gage
Sue with her art and quote collages by Christina Gage ~ Forms of Joy by Christina Gage

Even as I write this on the evening of Thursday, September 25th, Sue is alive, blood flowing through her veins, and her heart pumping.  Actions were taken earlier today though to remove all the tubes and wires, so that family and friends could move her to her beloved Terra Sophia homestead.  The latest update was that she remains unresponsive and it is expected that she will transition from life to the great mystery called death.

Every day since the surgery I have awaited the announcement that she has awoken.  I have expected to hear accounts of her waking to joyous reactions and great relief.  I have imagined her look of surprise to learn she has been sleeping for a week.  Many have suggested she has been soul traveling and will return with stories of visiting the cosmos and spending time with ethereal beings.

I reflect and find irony in how my most recent taboo article for Cosmic Cowgirls Magazine is entitled We Are All Going to Die.  Poetry Can Help.  The day my article was published is the day I learned Robin Williams was no longer with us and not long before that one of my all time favorite human beings, Maya Angelou, had passed away.   In the here and now of grieving for the very real likelihood that Sue transitions in the next hours or days, the title of my own article feels more real than ever.  Yes, we are all going to die and yes, as I continue to witness, poetry can help.  So can painting, singing, drumming and writing as we transform grief and loss into expressions of love and beauty.

Sue believed strongly in the power of art to heal and to connect with our consciousness.  As a part of fulfilling her deepest wishes and the legacy of her vision a Barn Raising has been initiated.  Sue’s longtime homestead is called Terra Sophia and an invitation has been extended to be a part of Sue’s vision for her property to become a sanctuary for committing art.  Please visit the “Barn Raising” site to learn more on how you can participate.  On this site is also a beautiful video that offers a peek into Sue’s world at Terra Sophia.

I have been a part of the Cosmic Cowgirl community since October 2008.  This tribe of creative women has impacted my life significantly.  Sue intimidated me a little the first time I met her and I joke that it was the “toilet paper lecture” that did it.  Those who have heard this same detailed instructional guide from Sue can nod knowingly and then giggle.  It was the second time I met her that I was struck strongly by the depth of her love and kindness.  I saw in her eyes the wisdom and the generous heart that poured forth.  I admired her deep contemplative mind and her gentleness.  I also loved her humor and wit.  That second time upon preparing to depart from an amazing weekend spent with Cosmic Cowgirls I went to say my goodbye to Sue and found myself spontaneously announcing “I love you Sue.” I saw the glisten in her eye as she took in my heartfelt words.

Some people affect us more deeply than we know, especially when faced with their departure from our lives.  Sue was at the heart of the Cosmic Cowgirl community.  She is beloved to us all.  I pause while typing this to hold my hands to my face while stifling a sob. I wipe my nose and dab my eyes and return to sharing written words for comfort and a way to process the grief.  Later I will turn to the paintbrush and a canvas to transform tears into expressions of art.  Always I will turn to this community of creatives for connection, friendship and support.  We are bound by the red thread.



In closing a song that felt called to be shared.

Raven Song
by Elephant Revival

Raven Song
Lyrics by Elephant Revival

If I was a raven
I’d fly on through the heavens

I’d fly to all my loved ones
If I was a raven


If memory’s worth saving
I’d savor the feeling
of knowing love and loving
I’d remember the feeling


Some say upon that mountain
there is many a raven

They call out to the living
from somewhere far beyond them

From those we’ve loved
that have flown on

From those we’ve loved
that have flown

In Wind and Shadow by Aaron Paquette
In Wind and Shadow by Aaron Paquette

Mojo Monday ~ When I Loved Myself Enough

When I Loved Myself Enough began as one woman’s gift to the world, hand made by Kim McMillen and given to her friends.  As word spread, its heartfelt honesty won it a growing following.
The introduction to When I Loved Myself Enough by Kim McMillen begins this way:
For many years I lived with a guarded heart.  I did not know how to extend love and compassion to myself.  In my fortieth year that began changing.
In April of 2009 I had turned forty.  There were events going on in my life at that particular time that were very difficult.  In May, just weeks after my birthday, I won this book from a web site called Intrinsic. It was mailed to me all the way from Australia, yet in some ways it seemed more like a gift from the Universe, as it contained a message I so desperately needed to hear. 
The author’s introduction continues:
As I grew to love all of who I am, life started changing in beautiful and mysterious ways.  My heart softened and I began to see through very different eyes.  
My commitment to follow this calling grew strong and in the process a divine intelligence came to guide my life.  I believe this ever-present resource is grace, and is available to us all.
For the past twelve years I have been learning to recognize and accept this gift.  Cultivating love and compassion for myself made it possible.
The following steps are uniquely mine.  Yours will look different.  But I do hope mine give voice to a hunger you may share.
I ended up gifting this book to about fifteen women the summer of 2009.  I wanted to share the profoundly simple message it contained within with both friends and family.  
And so it begins…
When I loved myself enough
I quit settling for too little.
And so it continues…
When I loved myself enough
I came to know my own goodness.
When I loved myself enough
I began taking the gift of life seriously and gratefully.
When I loved myself enough
I began to know I was in the right place at the right time and I could relax.
When I loved myself enough
I felt compelled to slow down – way down.  And that has made all the difference.
When I loved myself enough
I bought a feather bed.
When I loved myself enough
I came to love being alone, surrounded by silence, awed by its spell, listening to inner space.
When I loved myself enough
I came to see I am not special but I am unique.
When I loved myself enough
I redefined success and life became simple.  Oh, the pleasure of that.
When I loved myself enough
I came to know I am worthy of knowing God directly.
 When I loved myself enough
I gave up the belief that life is hard.
When I loved myself enough
I came to see emotional pain is a signal I am operating outside truth.
When I loved myself enough
I learned to meet my own needs and not call it selfish.
When I loved myself enough
The parts of me long-ignored, the orphans of my soul, quit vying for attention.  That was the beginning of inner peace.  Then I began seeing clearly.
When I loved myself enough 
I quit ignoring or tolerating my pain.
When I loved myself enough
I started feeling all my feelings, not analyzing them — really feeling them.  When I do, something amazing happens.  Try it.  You will see.
When I loved myself enough
My hear became so tender it could welcome joy and sorrow equally.
When I loved myself enough 
I came to feel like a gift to the world and I collected beautiful ribbons and bows.  They still hang on my wall to remind me. 
Self Love by Rhonda Gray

When I loved myself enough

I learned to ask ‘Who in me is feeling this way?’ when I feel anxious, angry, restless or sad.  If I listen patiently I discover who needs my love.
When I loved myself enough
I no longer needed things or people to make me feel safe.
When I loved myself enough
I quite wishing my life looked some other way and began to see that as it is, my life serves my evolution.
 When I loved myself enough
I began to feel a divine presence in me and hear its guidance.  I am learning to trust this and live from it.  When I loved myself enough
I quit exhausting myself by trying so hard.
When I loved myself enough I began to feel a community within.  This inner team with diverse talents and idiosyncrasies is my strength and my potential.  We hold team meetings.
When I loved myself enough
I began walking and taking the stairs every chance I got, and choosing the scenic route.
When I loved myself enough
I became my own authority by listening to the wisdom of my heart.  This is how God speaks to me.  This is intuition.
When I loved myself enough
I began feeling such relief.
When I loved myself enough
The impulsive part of me learned to wait for the right time.  Then I became clear and unafraid.
When I loved myself enough
I began leaving whatever wasn’t healthy.  This meant people, jobs, my own beliefs and habits — anything that kept me small.  My judgement called it disloyal.  Now I see it as self-loving.
When I loved myself enough
I gave up perfectionism – that killer of joy.
When I loved myself enough
Forgiving others became irrelevant.
 When I loved myself enough 
I started writing about my life and views because I knew this was my right and my responsibility.
When I loved myself enough
I began to see my purpose and gently wean myself from distractions.
When I loved myself enough
I learned to say no when I want to and yes when I want to.
When I loved myself enough
I could see how funny life is, how funny I am and how funny you are.
I recognized my courage and fear, my naivety and wisdom, and I make a place for each at my table.
When I loved myself enough
I started treating myself to a massage at least once a month.
When I loved myself enough
I realized I am never alone.
When I loved myself enough
I stopped fearing empty time and quit making plans.  Now I do what feels right and am in step with my own rhythms.  Delicious!
When I loved myself enough
I quit trying to be a savior for others.
When I loved myself enough
I lost my fear of speaking my truth for I have come to see how good it is.
When I loved myself enough I began pouring my feeling into my journals.  These loving companions speak my language.  No translation needed.
When I loved myself enough
I stopped seeking ‘experts’ and started living my life.
 When I loved myself enough
I could be at ease with the comings and goings of judgment and despair.
When I loved myself enough
I quit having to be right which makes being wrong meaningless.
When I loved myself enough 
I learned to grieve for the hurts in life when they happen instead of making my heart heavy from lugging them around.
When I loved myself enough
I forgave myself for all the times I thought I wasn’t good enough.
When I loved myself enough
I began listening to the wisdom of my body.  It speaks so clearly through its fatigue, sensitivities, aversions and hungers.
When I loved myself
I quit fearing my fear.
When I loved myself enough I quit rehashing the past and worrying about the future which keeps me in the present where aliveness lives.
When I loved myself enough
I began to taste freedom.
And so it ends…
When I loved myself enough
I found my voice and wrote this little book.
Expressions of Self Love by Rita Loyd

I have included much of the book in this post, but not all.  There are more nuggets of wisdom in the book that you may wish to explore on your own.

Do you find yourself connecting with some of the author’s statements?  Which ones?
Try writing some of your own declarations by starting with When I loved myself enough…The author shares at the very end when she loved herself enough she found her voice and wrote this little book. What would you do if you loved yourself enough? 
If you were going to write a book what would you call it?
 A message from the author’s daughter Alison McMillen ~ January 2001:
My mother died in September of 1996, at he age of 52, only a few short months after writing this book.  She was not ill and did not know that she was going to die.  Her death was sudden and it deeply shocked everyone who knew her.  It has been very difficult for me, as well as her friends and family, to cope with life without her.  She died too young, and I am aware of her absence every waking moment.
One thing that has made grieving for her more tolerable has been this book.  Following her lead, I continued to publish it out of my home.  It has been extremely rewarding work.  I have received countless letters and phone calls from people all over the world who have been touched by the wisdom of my mom’s words.  They tell me that they feel as though, through the book, they have come to know Kim McMillen.  I could not agree more.
This book is my mother.  It’s message is what she spent years meditating on, reading and writing about, and experiencing.  It is everything she believed in, and everything she brought me up to believe in.  It is her autobiography, her declaration, her soul.
Even though she didn’t know she was nearing the end of her life, she knew on some level that she had to express the things that she had learned to be true.  After many years filled with self-doubt and self-criticism, she decided to devote herself to finding self-compassion.  When she did, and was able to write her findings down for others to read, her life was complete, and sadly came to an end.   
I have a constant ache in my heart, a longing to see her again in this world.  She was an amazing mother, friend, writer, business consultant, chaplain, river runner, dog lover, neighbor and woman.  Although I miss her terribly, I am comforted by the knowledge that, as this book is the truest expression of who my mom was, in its continued existence what she had to offer to the world will live on.

Mojo Monday ~ Love Letters


Love letters.  I have written my fair share.  As a long time lover of snail mail and years of living long distance from a few of my beaus I have spritzed letters with perfume and imprinted them with ruby red lipstick.  Yet not all love letters need be of the traditional romantic genre. Throughout the years I have also sent hundreds (maybe thousands) of letters and cards to family and friends that were infused with my love.  While living overseas in France for a year and a half, prior to having access to email and phone calls being prohibitively expensive, I wrote many long letters to family members and college friends back home.  I would even find amusing images in magazines and tear them out and make my own envelopes.  Right now just thinking about it makes me want to make some again.  I have not forsaken snail mail as I still adore it as much as I always have, but I do know that the long letters I used to write are more abbreviated notes added to sweet cards I buy from local stores or artists I admire.  

How long has it been since you sent a “love letter” to a family member or friend?  

Learning about a project called More Love Letters that was created by Hannah Brencher has me contemplating again the power of a longer letter to connect, express thoughts and feelings, tell a story, inspire and spread loving energy around the world.  I first learned about Hannah Brencher through her TED talk.  Here is the video where she shares how already being a huge fan of love letters, as this was her own mother’s way of communicating with her long distance, that upon bottoming into depression after college she began writing love letters and leaving them around the city for strangers to find.  

After watching Hannah’s introduction to More Love Letters in her own words I encourage you to visit the web page for this movement.  It has been beautifully created and executed.  

The world doesn’t need another website. It doesn’t need another app or a network.

What it needs is really basic. Simple. Bare-boned.& often forgotten in the race to get followers, likes & status.

LOVE. Pure, old-fashioned, never goes out of style Love. Ridiculous, oozing, cannot pack this thang into 140-characters kind of love. Fearless, bold, unstoppable love.

And that’s where we come in… We’re going to tell you that we leave love letters all over the world for others to be blessed by. We’re going to ask you to write letters for Love Letter Bundles for people you’ll probably never meet.  We’re going to invite you to nominate someone you know for a Love Letter Bundle. You are going to think we are a bit crazy. A tad loopy… But let’s be honest,  you’ve been looking for a website that leaks love all this time.

Fair warning, we could really care less about love letters.

We’re only interested in you. The cracked parts of your own story & how you can use them to lift someone else. It’s about how each of us can morph our lives into love letters… lamps… lanterns… to light the paths of others who needs kindness and love today.

It’s official. Now, more than ever, the world needs more love letters. So get involved. Check out the current letter requests. Join our subscriber list to never miss a beat.

Your cursive means the world to us.

I read through some of the Requests for Letters.  One in particular moved me deeply.  Here is the description taken from the site:


please mail all love letters by July 15, 2014

A loving daughter wrote into us requesting letters for her mother. She wrote “My mother is undergoing an enormous transition period. At the age of 32 and happily married, her husband and my father, passed away in a tragic car accident on Valentine’s day that year. She was left with 5 kids under the age of 7 to raise on her own. My twin brother and I were just 8 months old. My mom just turned 60 and finally retired after 28 years of bouncing around jobs to provide for her family. The first time in her life she has no kids to take care of, no job to report to, and she is finally free. And she is scared. No one needs her, which is what most of her identity has been defined by. My mom needs a love letter that will inspire her to live again and finally, learn to take care of and love herself.” Join us in writing a letter of love & encouragement to this awesome mother.



Renee’s bundle

c/ o Hilary C.

4505 Avenue A

Austin, TX 78751

Whether or not you feel inclined or inspired to join the More Love Letters official movement, consider right now making a commitment to send some love letters.  How about you send one today or this week?  How about a commitment to sending one or more a month?  Will you send it to someone you know or will you leave it on a chair in a cafe, on a shelf at a store, in a dressing room, or on a park bench?  The ripple effects of sending out love on a physical piece of paper can have more impact and power than you can fully grasp.  

If you do send out a letter (or two or three or four…) consider sharing about how taking such action impacted you.  What feelings did it invoke?  What stories unfolded?  What did you find yourself sharing?  Where did you leave it or send it?  Did you send it to someone you know or did you prefer to leave it for a stranger?


Mojo Monday ~ The Summer Day

“Tell me what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?”


The summer solstice took place this weekend and the above reading of the poem The Summer Day by Mary Oliver seemed so fitting for this weeks Mojo Monday.  Ahhh summer.  It may not be just like it was when we were children and had summers off from school.  Except for the school teachers out there, most of us work through the summer, taking vacations here and there.  Maybe we go tent camping or travel to lakes, oceans and rivers and stay in cabins or resorts.

Did you celebrate the Summer Solstice?  Did you do happen to do anything special that day?  

My first day of summer was partially spent at nearby Whiskeytown Lake, a favorite place to relax, swim and play with the family and friends.


Brandy Creek beach at Whiskeytown Lake
Brandy Creek beach at Whiskeytown Lake

In the early evening we headed over to partake of some of the Sundial Bridges’ 10th Anniversary celebration.  On the solstice there was a flash mob dance to the song Happy right on the bridge at 6:45 pm.  That was then followed a couple of hours later by an astounding performance by Bandaloop on the Sundial Bridge.  They performed their aerial dances to the accompaniment of a local orchestra.  

Bandaloop collage

Last night watching these amazing athletic sky dancers perform, while local musicians played skillfully I felt in awe, of not only where I get to live, but the ingenuity and creativity of us humans. It was a perfect evening and I felt inspired and happy that it is summer.  While I don’t get the summer off, there will be regular lake trips, outdoor water aerobics at the local aquatic center, growing veggies in our garden, the wedding of a dear friend, a trip to Ashland with my hubby to see a play and a family camp trip to the coast.  I find myself wanting to soak up all the goodness around me and simply marinate in it.

What summertime happenings bring you happiness? Do you have any special summer plans?

Here are a few videos from the Bandaloop performance.  I wanted to share as it truly was a beautiful thing to witness.

Here is a video showing the first performance by three Bandaloop dancers. This video captured the whole performance.


This next video is the second performance with four Bandaloop dancers who dropped from the top of the dial.  This video capture a portion of the performance.

This final video was the grand finale featuring the woman in white and the dramatic long white scarf that floated and danced against the darkened sky so very beautifully.

Wishes for a summer of love.  

In closing, consider this
rephrased question taken from Mary Oliver:

Tell me what is it you plan to do 
with your one wild and precious summer?

Summer Solstice Mandala



Revolutionary Love Stories

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Come read my latest article called
Revolutionary Love Stories
in Cosmic Cowgirls Magazine

Love. Peace. Equality. Justice.

I am longing for more revolutionary love stories.  I want to hear more good stories about love, peace, equality and justice blossoming on our planet.  I am longing for revolutions that bring about changes to our world in such a way that there is love between all people.  I desire revolutions for peace that spread across all the lands.  I want revolutions of equality between all people, no matter their gender, race, culture, sexual orientation or chosen faith.  It is also time for a revolution of justice; true justice for all. To quote John Lennon, some may say I’m a dreamer, but I do know that I am not the only one.

Image found on by Valentina White

Do my revolutionary ideas and desires about letting love rule seem unreasonable to you?  Do you doubt that we can create a world of love, peace, and equality? What do you think stands in the way of reaching such goals?  

Come read the entire article over at Cosmic Cowgirls Magazine.

Mojo Monday ~ Giving Thanks

Give Thanks Leaves

“Embrace your ordinary life, whatever its wrapping,
for in the embrace you will hear the whisper of Gratitude.
Listen for her in the ordinary activities of your day,
in the ordinary encounters with loved ones,
and in the ordinary challenges that greet you each morning.
She speaks from the depths of you, in the voice of your ordinary life.”

~ Patricia Lynn Reilly

Yesterday my husband and I hosted a Gratitude Gathering at our home with some dear friends.  We all prepared delicious vegetarian or vegan dishes for a pot luck.   (I sensed that the wild turkeys that wander our neighborhood were saying their own words of gratitude for us non-meat eating folks yesterday.)   There were fun stories and plenty of laughter around the table.  Our 7 year old twin daughters Aubrey and Maya also made their first sweet potato pie all by themselves for the occasion, though they were quite thrilled when our friend Patty showed up with a vegan pumpkin pie, their favorite.  

I was so incredibly grateful that everyone, save for our friend Sandy, who had to work, was able to attend.   A few of our friends live up in the mountains and if the weather had been snowy they might have had to cancel.  It ended up being a stunning clear day, nearing a high of about 69 degrees.  Following our meal we played for a bit in the backyard with our Frisbee chasing dog Shanti and then we all went on a little walk to a nearby river trail.  

In fact one of the things I am feeling so incredibly grateful for right now is having discovered that a river trail was re-vamped just a block from our home. The trail in the short time we have begun using it has come to feel a bit like it is our own private sanctuary.  It was wonderful to share it with our friends and we all oohed and ahhed at the stunning views.  While sharing in a rose petal and lavender ceremony of gratitude a large gaggle of geese flew overhead in their traditional “V” formation.  

Here is a short little slideshow to share some of the beauty of the day:

Gratitude Gathering

Right now I am so incredibly Grateful for family, friendships, fur-kids, bountiful food shared with love, the beauty of nature and living so immersed in it, our comfy home and our spacious yards, including our big mama oak tree and majestic redwood.

What are you grateful for at this point in time?

In what ways might you honor or celebrate your thankfulness this week?  

Give THanks Pie

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more.
It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity.
It turns problems into gifts, failures into success, the unexpected into perfect timing,
and mistakes into important events. Gratitude makes sense of our past,
brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.”

~ Melodie Beattie

A Poem ~ Can You See Me?

Can You See Me

Can You See Me?

who are you

and where

did you come from

I am just a mongrel

white girl

with a blurry and

undefined culture

I seek connection

and sisterhood

my skin may be white

on the outside

but I feel

the pain

of all

my sisters

I have deeply

felt the losses

and struggles

of those

who have come before

since I

was born

But your words

stake ownership

and my perceived




from you


my heart

and our community

How can we

be a tribe

when such lines

are drawn

when all I seek

is love

and belonging

I see you

you are my sister

Can you

see me?

Concentric Rings_edited-1

Learning to Fly

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Today in Cosmic Cowgirls Magazine
is my latest article called


He who would learn to fly by Kevin Conor Keller
He who would learn to fly by Kevin Conor Keller

Let your love circle the sky,
like a hawk or an eagle.

Tell your mind take a walk,
tell your fear it ain’t welcome here.

Open your heart to love,
close the door to reason

Unconditional love knows no fear.

Unconditional love is most welcome here.

Unconditional love heals us all, heals us all.

Wake up in the morning,
watch the golden sun rise
you’re breathing

How did you get so blessed?
How did you get so free?
How did you learn to open up your wings and fly?

~ Song Lyrics from Unconditional Love
by Jade Beall and Sapphire Bell